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Click on the verses to see them in context. Shakespeare's plays are available from the Gutenberg Projet.


Sweetly in force unto her fair life's end.

 Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player, And, like the kind life-rendering pelican, Of a despised life, clos'd in my breast, Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life, Now, for my life, she's wandering to the Tower, Of life, of crown, of queen, at once dispatch'd: O dear account! my life is my foe's debt. Now, for my life, she's wandering to the Tower, Chief nourisher in life's feast. But, tell me is young George Stanley living? And, on my life, hath stol'n him home to bed. We'd jump the life to come. But in these cases And a man's life is no more than to say One. They star'd, and were distracted; no man's life Woe's scene, world's shame, grave's due by life usurp'd,