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Click on the phrases to see them in context. The original texts by Immanuel Kant and David Hume are available from the Gutenberg Projet.


But this cognition, which is limited to objects of experience, is not for that reason derived entirely, from, experience, but--and this is asserted of the pure intuitions and the pure conceptions of the understanding--there are, unquestionably, elements of cognition, which exist in the mind a priorI. Now there are only two ways in which a necessary harmony of experience with the conceptions of its objects can be cogitated.

 Let us search for the reason of this phaenomenon. The same reasoning extends to identity. START LIVING TODAY! All men have ever allowed reasoning to be merely an operation of our thoughts or ideas; and however those ideas may be varied to the feeling, there is nothing ever enters into our conclusions but ideas, or our fainter conceptions. For the law of reason which requires us to seek for this unity is a necessary law, inasmuch as without it we should not possess a faculty of reason, nor without reason a consistent and self-accordant mode of employing the understanding, nor, in the absence of this, any proper and sufficient criterion of empirical truth. If this were not the case, the causality of reason would be subservient to the natural law of phenomena, which determines them according to time, and as a series of causes and effects in time; it would consequently cease to be freedom and become a part of nature. When we reason from cause and effect, we conclude, that neither colour, sound, taste, nor smell have a continued and independent existence. These faculties are understanding and reason. But having thus loosened all our particular perceptions, when I proceed to explain the principle of connexion, which binds them together, and makes us attribute to them a real simplicity and identity; I am sensible, that my account is very defective, and that nothing but the seeming evidence of the precedent reasonings coued have induced me to receive it.