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Click on the phrases to see them in context. The original texts by Immanuel Kant and David Hume are available from the Gutenberg Projet.


Hence results, not only doubt as to the objective validity and proper limits of their use, but that even our conception of space is rendered equivocal; inasmuch as we are very ready with the aid of the categories, to carry the use of this conception beyond the conditions of sensuous intuition--and, for this reason, we have already found a transcendental deduction of it needful.

 We have therefore no idea of space or extension, but when we regard it as an object either of our sight or feeling. If it is finite and limited, we have a right to ask; "What determines these limits?" Void space is not a self-subsistent correlate of things, and cannot be a final condition--and still less an empirical condition, forming a part of a possible experience. For geometrical principles are always apodeictic, that is, united with the consciousness of their necessity, as; "Space has only three dimensions." But propositions of this kind cannot be empirical judgements, nor conclusions from them.