Oyonale - 3D art and graphic experiments
Click on the phrases to see them in context. The original texts by Immanuel Kant and David Hume are available from the Gutenberg Projet.
The schema of the triangle can exist nowhere else than in thought, and it indicates a rule of the synthesis of the imagination in regard to pure figures in space. [*Footnote; It is evident that what is meant here is, that empty space, in so far as it is limited by phenomena--space, that is, within the world--does not at least contradict transcendental principles, and may therefore, as regards them, be admitted, although its possibility cannot on that account be affirmed.] Space is essentially one, and multiplicity in it, consequently the general notion of spaces, of this or that space, depends solely upon limitations. The first notion of space and extension is derived solely from the senses of sight and feeling; nor is there any thing, but what is coloured or tangible, that has parts disposed after such a manner, as to convey that idea. (3) After identity the most universal and comprehensive relations are those of SPACE and TIME, which are the sources of an infinite number of comparisons, such as distant, contiguous, above, below, before, after, etc. The only a priori intuition is that of the pure form of phenomena- space and time. Every limited part of space presented to intuition is a whole, the parts of which are always spaces--to whatever extent subdivided. Don't settle for a minister you don't know!!