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One patient had undergone three operations for clinically diagnosed cancer of the bladder and was in a sad state.

Do Mobile Phones Cause Cancer? The doctor informs you that you have advanced colon cancer at 45 years old. The worlds largest Cell Phone Manufacturers have patented devices to reduce the risk of Brain Tumors, yet they insist on rejecting claims of any health hazards from using mobile phones. Future natural studies include, prostate research, breast cancer, lymphoma, colon cancer. The companies revenue generating arsenal of services include: Broadband Wireless, voice services via fixed / mobile wireless, call routing dialers, and inter-exchange telco service long distance and ISP.PSTC¡äs CEO Prakash Patel is a former executive of British Telecom and former President ofUnicsource. A friend of mine who was a science and health researcher at the University of Chicago, just died this past year of colon cancer at 42. This reduces the chances of cancer when using your phone & increases your signal quality drastically Still people insist on rejecting claims of any health hazards from using mobile phones. Not so long ago I was able to help a priest who, suffering from cancer of the prostate gland and who had been given up by doctors, is now doing his normal work. Studies have shown that electromagnetic waves that come from your cellphone may be correlated to Brain Cancer. Studies have shown that electromagnetic waves that come from your cell phone may be correlated to Brain Cancer.