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Since the death of my Father both the immediate, past and incumbent Government of my Country, Nigeria, have been persecuting my family.

(Argentina, India, Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Australia, Hong Kong, Russia, Austria, Indonesia, Portugal, Belgium, Israel, South Africa, Botswana, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Jamaica, Swaziland, Canada, Japan, Sweden, Chile, Korea, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Lesotho, Taiwan, Denmark, Mexico, Thailand, Dominican Republic, Namibia, Turkey, Finland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, United States, Germany, Norway, Venezuela, Philippines, Ireland, Panama, Morocco, and China) I presume you are aware there is a financial dispute between my family ( THEMOBUTU ) and the present civilian Government. The Management under the influence of our Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors, has made arrangement for the funds to be declared Unclaimed and subsequently be donated to the trust fund for arms and ammunition to further enhance the course of War in Africa and the World in General. Please I enjoin you to handle this transaction with utmost degree of maturity and confidentiality because I am still in active government service with the “NIGERIAN NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION”. Your Business profile and name were given to me in confidence by the Nigerian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Foreign Trade Division). Valuable efforts are being made by the UNION BANK OF NIGERIA to get in touch with any of the Moore's family or relatives but to no success. Joseph Mobutu Sese-Seko Now the contract has been completed and the original contractor has since been paid,but the contract balance of US$38 million,which resulted from the over invoiced contract sum that has been left in a suspense account with the CENTRAL BANK of NIGERIA,is what me and my partners are planning to take out of the country for ourselves. The Government have directed all the Banks in my Country to freeze the accounts belonging to my family and our numerous Business concerns of my Mother and Uncles have also been closed down and my immediate elder brother has been arrested by the Nigerian Government, while all our foreign Bank Accounts have been freezed aided by a publication in the FINANCIAL TIMES OF LONDON OF FRIDAY 23RD JULY, 1999, though my Father is not the only past Official accused of having money in foreign Banks. I write to inform you of my desire to acquire estates or landed properties in your country on behalf of the Director of Contracts and Finance Allocation of the Federal Ministry of works and Housing in Nigeria. In any case, I received a reference of you/organization from the Nigeria Chambers of Commerce and Industry ‘Foreign Trade Division’ as a reputable organ that can assist us on this transaction. I am the son of the late president of Democratic Republic Of Zaire, President Mobutu Sese Seko, ( now The Republic Of Congo, under the leadership of the son of Mr. Laurent Kabila). The deal in brief is that the funds with which to carry out our proposed investments in your country is presently in a coded account in the Nigerian apex bank and we need your assistance to transfer the funds to your country or any safe account outside your country in a convenient bank account that will be provided by you before we can put the funds into use. It does not matter whether you or your company does contract project of the nature described here, the assumption is that you won a major contract and subcontracted it to another company, more often than not, big trading companies or individuals of unrelated field win major contracts here in Nigeria and subcontracts same to more specialized firms for execution. This committee is principally concerned with contract appraisals and approval of contracts in order of priorities as regard capital project of the federal government of Nigeria. I am Dr collins Gana one of the Directors with the UNION BANK OF NIGERIA, Lagos. Early last year there was a major oil spillage in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria which rendered over 70% of the communities homeless. A Foreigner an Australia, Late Engr. Steve Moore Snr., an Oil Merchant with the Federal Government of Nigeria, until his death a couple of years ago in a plane crash banked with us at UNION BANK OF NIGERIA, Lagos. We are sending you this letter based on the information gathered from the Foreign trade office of the Nigerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Now, since the present Government of my Country is hell-bent on prosecuting, disgracing the good name and image of my entire family and possibly doing more damages to our financial base, I am therefore desirous of handling over the remains of my Father's Money US$28 Million (Twenty-eight Million United States Dollars Only) which is presently SAFELY and SECRETLY kept in CODED CASH in a Security Company outside my Country to evade confiscation by the Nigerian Government or its Agents.