Special thanks
- You know you have been raytracing too long when you hop a Soyouz flight to be the first man to render an image in orbit. Many thanks to Mark Shuttleworth!
- Thanks for Chris Cason for making this possible and for providing the final touches.
Scene design
- Gilles Tran (France) and Jaime Vives Piqueres (Spain) - December 2001 to April 2002
Models and textures
- Typewriter, printer, micro-wave, office chair, radio, cassette deck, telephones, rockets, toy train, clock, computer, safe box: POV-Ray models by Jaime Vives Piqueres
- Toy plane, "Stardust" neon sign, African in Space logotype (Rhino), fridge and bottles, old globe, street signs, street light, bank notes and flying paper sheets (POV-Ray): models by Gilles Tran
All the following models and textures are © their respective authors. They were adapted and sometimes heavily modified for the purpose of creating the final image. Models followed by a * can be downloaded from Micha Riser's POV Object Collection.
- Hot air balloon: POV-Ray model by Neil Alexander
- Ford Thunderbird: anonymous author
- Utah Teapot: anonymous author, adapted for POV-Ray by Alexander Enzman
- Rubik's cube*: POV-Ray model by John L. Bolt
- Background : Chris Colefax's Galaxy macro
- Millenium Kid, Wedge hair, Millenium Kid Clothes Pack, scooter, poser mannequin, teddy bear: DAZ Productions
- CD*: POV-Ray model by Rune S. Johansen
- Electric guitar, electrophone: POV-Ray models by Fabien Mosen (thanks to Fabien for these previously unreleased models)
- Planets and Earth maps (continents, clouds, nightlights), Cassini probe model: NASA
- Dice*: POV-Ray model by Christian Perle
- Photograph on computer screen: self-portrait taken in orbit by Mark Shuttleworth
- Hat rack*: POV-Ray model by Ken Tyler
- Image modelled and rendered with Persistence of Vision 3.5. Download POV-Ray here for free.
- Hardware (in orbit): IBM Thinkpad A22, PIII 1 Ghz Processor 256 Meg RAM
- Operating system (in orbit): Windows
- Operating systems (on Earth): Windows (Gilles Tran), Linux (Jaime Vives Piqueres)
- modeling tools: Rhino, Poser, Amapi, sPatch, vim
- Image editing tools: Micrografx Picture Publisher, The Gimp
- Model converter: 3DWin
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Le Petit Prince)
- Daniel Torres (La estrella lejana)
Gilles Tran &
Jaime Vives Piqueres © 2002 - This image was commissioned by Chris Cason