Oyonale - Créations 3D et expériences graphiques
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Cliquer sur les vers pour les voir dans leur contexte. Les pièces de Shakespeare sont disponibles auprès du Projet Gutenberg.


James Tyrrel, and your most obedient subject.

 Thy Clarence he is dead that stabb'd my Edward; Than Edward will for tidings of my death. Sir Walter Herbert, a renowned soldier; O deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness! Then love-devouring death do what he dare,-- That Anne, my queen, is sick and like to die: A second time I kill my husband dead O'er-cover'd quite with dead men's rattling bones, To make me die with a restorative. Is Romeo slaughter'd, and is Tybalt dead? The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo Compare dead happiness with living woe;