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Cliquer sur les phrases pour les voir dans leur contexte. Les textes de Immanuel Kant et David Hume sont disponibles auprès du Projet Gutenberg.


They are contrived to remedy like inconveniences, and acquire their moral sanction in the same manner, from their remedying those inconveniences.

 Dispute the validity of a definition, and he is completely at a loss to find another. Now what other objects, beside identical ones, are capable of placing the mind in the same disposition, when it considers them, and of causing the same uninterrupted passage of the imagination from one idea to another? This question is of the last importance. 1991 Harley Davidson FatBoy. are originally on the same footing with the pain that arises from steel, and pleasure that proceeds from a fire; and that the difference betwixt them is founded neither on perception nor reason, but on the imagination.