Oyonale - Créations 3D et expériences graphiques
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Cliquer sur les vers pour les voir dans leur contexte. Les pièces de Shakespeare sont disponibles auprès du Projet Gutenberg.


Fell in the weeping brook. Her clothes spread wide;

 I for an Edward weep, so do not they:-- For Venus smiles not in a house of tears. No, coz, I rather weep. New widows howl; new orphans cry; new sorrows And therefore I forbid my tears: but yet  Why, let the strucken deer go weep,  Madam, my mother, I do cry you mercy; 
  • Tears in his eyes, distraction in's aspect,
 But be warned, you have to act quickly Woul't weep? woul't fight? woul't fast? woul't tear thyself? 
We cannot without circumstance descry.
 And that dear saint which then I weeping follow'd;