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Cliquer sur les vers pour les voir dans leur contexte. Les pièces de Shakespeare sont disponibles auprès du Projet Gutenberg.


Is ripe for shaking, and the powers above

 You sleep in peace, the tyrant being slain; The tyrant's people on both sides do fight; Tongue-tied ambition, not replying, yielded our power to account?--Yet who would have thought the old man to 
So, as a painted tyrant, Pyrrhus stood;
 In nature is a tyranny; it hath been The tyrant has not batter'd at their peace? Which he stood seiz'd of, to the conqueror: Good sir, whose powers are these? Ere from this war thou turn a conqueror; 
Ay, truly; for the power of beauty will sooner transform
 Thou hadst but power over his mortal body,