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The phrases in their context!


Bodily pains and pleasures are the source of many passions, both when felt and considered by the mind; but arise originally in the soul, or in the body, whichever you please to call it, without any preceding thought or perception.
A fit of the gout produces a long train of passions, as grief, hope, fear; but is not derived immediately from any affection or idea.
The reflective impressions may be divided into two kinds, viz. the calm and the VIOLENT.
Of the first kind is the sense of beauty and deformity in action, composition, and external objects.
Of the second are the passions of love and hatred, grief and joy, pride and humility.
This division is far from being exact.
The raptures of poetry and music frequently rise to the greatest height; while those other impressions, properly called PASSIONS, may decay into so soft an emotion, as to become, in a manner, imperceptible.
But as in general the passions are more violent than the emotions arising from beauty and deformity, these impressions have been commonly distinguished from each other.
The subject of the human mind being so copious and various, I shall here take advantage of this vulgar and spacious division, that I may proceed with the greater order; and having said ali I thought necessary concerning our ideas, shall now explain those violent emotions or passions, their nature, origin, causes, and effects.
When we take a survey of the passions, there occurs a division of them into DIRECT and INDIRECT.
By direct passions I understand such as arise immediately from good or evil, from pain or pleasure.
By indirect such as proceed from the same principles, but by the conjunction of other qualities.
This distinction I cannot at present justify or explain any farther.
I can only observe in general, that under the indirect passions I comprehend pride, humility, ambition, vanity, love, hatred, envy, pity, malice, generosity, with their dependants.
And under the direct passions, desire, aversion, grief, joy, hope, fear, despair and security.
I shall begin with the former.
The passions of PRIDE and HUMILITY being simple and uniform impressions, it is impossible we can ever, by a multitude of words, give a just definition of them, or indeed of any of the passions.
The utmost we can pretend to is a description of them, by an enumeration of such circumstances, as attend them: But as these words, PRIDE and humility, are of general use, and the impressions they represent the most common of any, every one, of himself, will be able to form a just idea of them, without any danger of mistake.
For which reason, not to lose time upon preliminaries, I shall immediately enter upon the examination of these passions.
It is evident, that pride and humility, though directly contrary, have yet the same OBJECT.