Oyonale - Créations 3D et expériences graphiques
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Les phrases dans leur contexte !


At least it must be owned, that heroic virtue, being as unusual, is as little natural as the most brutal barbarity.
As to the third sense of the word, it is certain, that both vice and virtue are equally artificial, and out of nature.
For however it may be disputed, whether the notion of a merit or demerit in certain actions be natural or artificial, it is evident, that the actions themselves are artificial, and are performed with a certain design and intention; otherwise they coued never be ranked under any of these denominations.
It is impossible, therefore, that the character of natural and unnatural can ever, in any sense, mark the boundaries of vice and virtue.
Thus we are still brought back to our first position, that virtue is distinguished by the pleasure, and vice by the pain, that any action, sentiment or character gives us by the mere view and contemplation.
This decision is very commodious; because it reduces us to this simple question, Why any action or sentiment upon the general view or survey, gives a certain satisfaction or uneasiness, in order to shew the origin of its moral rectitude or depravity, without looking for any incomprehensible relations and qualities, which never did exist in nature, nor even in our imagination, by any clear and distinct conception.
I flatter myself I have executed a great part of my present design by a state of the question, which appears to me so free from ambiguity and obscurity.
I have already hinted, that our sense of every kind of virtue is not natural; but that there are some virtues, that produce pleasure and approbation by means of an artifice or contrivance, which arises from the circumstances and necessity of mankind.
Of this kind I assert justice to be; and shall endeavour to defend this opinion by a short, and, I hope, convincing argument, before I examine the nature of the artifice, from which the sense of that virtue is derived.
It is evident, that when we praise any actions, we regard only the motives that produced them, and consider the actions as signs or indications of certain principles in the mind and temper.
The external performance has no merit.
We must look within to find the moral quality.
This we cannot do directly; and therefore fix our attention on actions, as on external signs.
But these actions are still considered as signs; and the ultimate object of our praise and approbation is the motive, that produced them.
After the same manner, when we require any action, or blame a person for not performing it, we always suppose, that one in that situation should be influenced by the proper motive of that action, and we esteem it vicious in him to be regardless of it.
If we find, upon enquiry, that the virtuous motive was still powerful over his breast, though checked in its operation by some circumstances unknown to us, we retract our blame, and have the same esteem for him, as if he had actually performed the action, which we require of him.
It appears, therefore, that all virtuous actions derive their merit only from virtuous motives, and are considered merely as signs of those motives.
From this principle I conclude, that the first virtuous motive, which bestows a merit on any action, can never be a regard to the virtue of that action.
but must be some other natural motive or principle.