Oyonale - Créations 3D et expériences graphiques
Cliquer sur les phrases pour les voir dans leur contexte. Les textes de Immanuel Kant et David Hume sont disponibles auprès du Projet Gutenberg.
For if, in relation to this law, I have nothing more than opinion, my judgement is but a play of the imagination, without the least relation to truth. But, if we begin our proof cosmologically, by laying at the foundation of it the series of phenomena, and the regress in it according to empirical laws of causality, we are not at liberty to break off from this mode of demonstration and to pass over to something which is not itself a member of the series. Exposition of the Cosmological Idea of Freedom in Harmony with the Universal Law of Natural Necessity. This University Degree Program removes the obstacles that cause adults to abandon all hope. But if we examine all the questions, that come before any tribunal of justice, we shall find, that, considering each case apart, it would as often be an instance of humanity to decide contrary to the laws of justice as conformable them. Thus applied logic treats of attention, its impediments and consequences, of the origin of error, of the state of doubt, hesitation, conviction, etc., and to it is related pure general logic in the same way that pure morality, which contains only the necessary moral laws of a free will, is related to practical ethics, which considers these laws under all the impediments of feelings, inclinations, and passions to which men are more or less subjected, and which never can furnish us with a true and demonstrated science, because it, as well as applied logic, requires empirical and psychological principles. This is that an event cannot be determined in time, and consequently cannot form a part of experience, unless it stands under this dynamical law.